Welcome to Devon Rex Kitten Cattery!

Home of Adorable Devon Rex Kittens

Nestled in the heart of Middle Village, NY, our cattery is dedicated to raising happy, healthy, and curly Devon Rex kittens. With a passion for this unique breed, we strive to provide top-notch care, socialization, and love to each and every kitten.


We are a small Devon Rex Cattery located in Middle Village, NY. Our kittens are raised with love and socialized from an early age. We strive to breed cats that fit the CFA and TICA  Devon Rex breed standard. All our cats have a pedigree and all are genetically tested for HCM, Felv/FIV

Devon Rex Kittens For Sale

Our cats and kittens are not caged and have free run of the house. They are well socialized with people and other animals. All our kittens are healthy, vaccinated, and ready to move to a new home when they are 3,5 months old.

If you would like to be owned by one of these wonderful cats please contact us.

Why Devon Rex Kittens?

  • Unique appearance: The Devon Rex Pixie has an unusual and distinctive look with large ears, curly fur, and a mischievous expression. They often attract attention from people who admire their unique appearance. devon rex kittens for sale
  • Friendly personality: These cats tend to be outgoing and friendly towards humans and other animals. They enjoy spending time with their owners and love to play. devon rex kittens for sale
  • Low-maintenance coat: Despite having curly fur, the Devon Rex Pixie’s coat is relatively low maintenance compared to other breeds of cats since it doesn’t require frequent brushing or grooming.
  • Good for people with allergies: Due to the texture of their hair, they produce less dander than other breeds which makes them suitable for individuals with cat allergies
  • Intelligent & trainable — They can learn tricks if trained properly, making them entertaining company. devon rex kittens for sale

Overall, the combination of their unique looks coupled with a friendly personality makes the Devon Rex Pixie one of the best choices when looking for a new pet!

What Our Adopters Say

Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in our cats. If you would like to be owned by one of these wonderful cats please contact us!




70th Street, Middle Village, NY 11379
Branch Address: Le Becquet Lane, St. Martin, Guernsey, Channel Islands


+1 360 818 4263
+44 7902 555583